EMDR Therapy in Idaho

What is Trauma?

Trauma is an emotional response to a distressing or scary experience. Trauma can be caused by one-time events like a car accident or by ongoing stressors such as living in a chaotic home. The effects of trauma can last long after the event has passed, affecting how you view yourself, how you cope with emotions, and how you respond to triggers in your current life. The difficulties you have experienced in your relationships, the struggles with self-worth, and the emotional disconnection are a result of your trauma.

Trauma can look like:

  • Hurtful comments about your body by your parents or adult figures.

  • Teasing or bullying about your appearance by peers.

  • The unrealistic expectations of diet culture to look a certain way.

Trauma can also look like:

  • Physical or sexual abuse

  • Neglect or abandonment from parental figures

  • Natural disasters

  • Violence

  • Near-death experience

  • Loss of a loved one

    Trauma can manifest in different ways, including:

  • Feeling unworthy 

  • Feeling anxious or depressed 

  • Difficulty connecting with others 

  • Feeling emotionally numb or disconnected 

  • Feeling overwhelmed and stressed out

  • Struggling with nightmares or difficulties sleeping

  • Engaging in self-sabotaging behaviors

    How Trauma Impacts You:

  • You might feel numb or emotionally disconnected from others. 

  • You may avoid certain situations or people to protect yourself from getting hurt again. 

  • You might experience muscle tension, pain, or insomnia. 

  • You may use food to cope with overwhelming feelings or restrict it to feel some sense of control. 

  • You might rely heavily on “being in control” to avoid feeling overwhelmed or anxious. 

  • You may turn to substances to avoid feeling your emotions. 

Please know that in no way is this your fault. These are protective coping mechanisms you developed to survive in your environment. As an EMDR therapist, I can help you move out of survival mode and toward peace, balance, and healing.

A wooden bridge over water symbolizing the path to healing with trauma therapy.

Trauma Therapy for Healing 

Unprocessed trauma shapes how we see ourselves, interact with the world, and our relationships with others.

Trauma affects every aspect of our lives - emotionally, physically, and mentally.

Disordered eating and negative body image are common reactions to trauma, along with anxiety, depression, low self-worth, and relationship struggles.

What you are experiencing right now is VALID, and it is NOT your fault.

The trauma you endured in your past has left deep scars, and it makes sense you feel overwhelmed and disconnected.

If you find yourself stuck in unhelpful behaviors - emotional eating, pleasing people, perfectionism, or feeling like you are never good enough - I want you to know I see you!

You are NOT alone and, most importantly, NOT to blame for trying to cope the best way you know how. 

When we work together, we’ll prioritize HEALING those deep, painful parts you have been carrying around for so long.

I want to help you reconnect with who you truly are—beyond the trauma, beyond the pain.

You'll begin to experience yourself in a new way, feeling empowered, worthy, and in control of your life.

Your struggles are NOT who you are, and through trauma therapy, you can finally begin to let go of the past and live a life filled with peace, self-love, and confidence.

Woman sitting on top of a mountain after healing her trauma with EMDR therapy

What is EMDR for Trauma Processing?

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is a highly effective, research-based approach to healing trauma. When distressing events happen, they can get “stuck” in your brain, causing emotional pain, triggers, or unhelpful behaviors long after the event is over. EMDR therapy helps you process these stuck memories, releasing their hold on you.

EMDR therapy uses bilateral stimulation (eye movements, bilateral movements, and/or sounds) to reprocess traumatic memories so they no longer cause emotional distress. With EMDR therapy, you will manage difficult emotions more effectively, reduce the need for unhelpful coping mechanisms, and feel more grounded and in control. 

EMDR therapy can heal trauma tied to:

  • Emotional or physical abuse.

  • Stress, anxiety, or panic attacks.

  • Low self-esteem and negative body image.

  • Relationship issues or attachment difficulties.

  • Parenting stress, perfectionism, and fear of failure.

  • Feeling overwhelmed by daily responsibilities or life transitions.

What EMDR Therapy Looks Like:

  1. History Taking: We will explore your trauma history, past struggles, and what you want to achieve with EMDR therapy. We will then create a list of traumatic events or distressing memories to focus on.

  2. Preparation: I will explain how EMDR therapy works and guide you through relaxation techniques to ensure you feel safe during sessions. We will also identify resources that you find helpful as you begin processing.

  3. Assessment: We will choose a specific memory and explore the negative beliefs and feelings attached to it. We will also explore how this memory feels in your body.

  4. Desensitization: We work on reducing the distressing memory through bilateral stimulation (eye moments, bilateral movements and/or sounds). After each set of bilateral stimulation, you will talk briefly about what came up for you before going into the next set. This will help your brain process the memory and reduce emotional distress. 

  5. Installation: We will install a positive belief to replace the negative one. This is where you will begin to see shifts in your emotional responses and self-perception.

  6. Body Scan: You will notice any physical sensations in your body while thinking about the memory and positive belief. This helps determine if the distress is gone and the positive belief feels true in both your mind and body. 

  7. Closure: At the end of each session, we ensure you feel calm and safe. I will have you “step into a movie” and run a scene of you coping with a similar situation in the future with your new positive belief. We will use the relaxation techniques we practiced earlier in the preparation phase if needed. We will also discuss how to take care of yourself between sessions.

  8. Reevaluation: In the final phase, we will check your progress. We will see how the previous sessions have helped and decide if there are other memories or issues to work on. This allows us to plan the next steps in your healing journey.

A mountain with a lake and snow capped mountains.

EMDR Therapy for Women

Many of my clients come to therapy not realizing that their struggles—whether with emotional eating, self-esteem, or their relationships—are rooted in unresolved trauma.

As an EMDR therapist, I aim to create a safe, non-judgemental space where you can process these experiences with compassion and understanding.

Trauma therapy doesn’t just focus on presenting symptoms; it dives deeper into the childhood wounds that have shaped your behaviors and emotions.

I want you to know it is not your fault that you have developed unhelpful coping mechanisms like using food to numb or control your emotions. You were trying to survive in an overwhelming situation.

And addressing those behaviors through EMDR therapy will create lasting change in yourself and your relationships with others. 

A woman sitting on a hill side feeling connected to herself and the earth after EMDR therapy

Emotional Eating Therapy and Rebuilding Your Relationship with Food

While trauma may manifest in various ways, a common response is using food as a coping mechanism. Emotional eating therapy can help you understand the link between your emotions and eating habits and help you develop more helpful ways to manage stress and emotions without turning to food. 

You Deserve to Heal

You don’t have to carry the weight of your trauma alone. EMDR therapy offers an effective way to process and release past traumas, helping you create a life of peace, confidence, and connection. If you’re ready to heal and live more fully, click here. I would be honored to help guide you on this journey. 

EMDR Therapy isn’t my only service at my Idaho online therapy practice. Other mental health services at Mountain River Therapy include Trauma Therapy for Moms, Emotional Eating Therapy, and Therapy for Disordered Eating & Body Image. Contact me to learn more about how I can help you overcome disordered eating and body image struggles and reclaim your life!

A woman holding her arms out near a lake with mountains in the background feeling free after seeking trauma therapy to heal disordered eating and negative body image.

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.

You don’t have to live with the guilt and shame of not feeling in control of your eating or your body.  Online therapy can help you heal from past trauma causing disordered eating and negative body image and help you find peace with food and your body.  Mountain River Therapy in Idaho specializes in helping women heal from disordered eating and body image issues. To start your counseling journey, follow these simple steps:

Step 1

Contact Mountain River Therapy

Step 2

Meet with Jarae for an intake session.

Step 3

Rediscover the joy of eating foods guilt-free and finally feeling confident in your body.