Trauma Therapy for Moms in Idaho

Are you afraid of passing your trauma on to your children?

  • Do you worry that your past trauma will affect how your children see themselves and behave in this world?

  • Are you concerned that your struggles with food and body image may impact your child’s self-esteem?

  • Are you finding it hard to heal from your trauma while juggling the responsibilities of motherhood?

  • Are you worried you’re not fully present with your children because you spend most of your time on autopilot or analyzing things in your head? 

  • Do you find yourself lashing out at your kids and feeling guilty afterward?

Trauma Therapy for Moms

As a mom, you may be aware of how trauma has affected you, but the fear of passing your unresolved trauma on to your children can feel overwhelming.

The unhelpful coping mechanisms you might engage in to avoid the emotional triggers, such as emotional eating or disconnecting from your body, often stem from deep-routed trauma.

And while you're doing your best, trauma therapy is the missing link you and your family need to heal and live the life you deserve! 

Mom and Son high diving outside while hiking feeling connected because mom healed her trauma with trauma therapy.

Common signs of trauma affecting moms:

  1. You get overwhelmed and frustrated with your kids and lash out at them.

  2. You constantly feel “on edge,” expecting something bad to happen.

  3. You feel emotionally numb or disconnected from your kids. 

  4. You have trouble falling or staying asleep because your mind won’t shut off.

  5. You struggle to say "no" or create healthy boundaries with others and often feel overwhelmed or taken advantage of. 

  6. You set high standards for yourself and feel like you’re never doing enough or are overly critical of yourself.

The Link Between Trauma and Eating Behaviors

Trauma therapy can help with emotional eating and body image struggles, as they are often rooted in unresolved pain.

Emotional eating, yo-yo dieting, and body dissatisfaction are common coping mechanisms for managing trauma.

These behaviors affect you and can influence how you interact with your children, potentially projecting similar struggles onto them.

You might become overly concerned with your child's eating habits or body weight, worrying they will experience the same difficulties.

While your goal is to do what is best for your child, you may be unintentionally passing on the fears and pressures from diet culture and societal standards or your past trauma to them.

Trauma therapy allows you to break the cycle of emotional eating, giving both you and your children a peaceful future with food and your bodies.

A mom eating watermelon with her daughter after trauma therapy

Common Food Signs of Trauma Affecting Moms:

  1. You use food to manage emotions like stress, sadness, or anxiety.

  2. You feel stuck in cycles of restrictive dieting, binging, and emotional eating.

  3. You frequently think about food, your body, or your weight throughout the day.

  4. You worry about your children's body image and their relationship with food.

  5. You experience guilt or shame after eating and struggle with low self-esteem.

  6. You’re afraid that your unresolved trauma is influencing how you raise your children, especially around food and body image..

Husband and wife walking in nature with their kids on their backs and the wife feeling connected to her family after healing her trauma with trauma therapy.

How Trauma Therapy Can Help

It’s natural to want the best for your kids, and trauma therapy is the most powerful way to ensure you don’t pass these struggles down.

Trauma therapy can help you break the cycles of emotional eating, body dissatisfaction, and self-criticism so you can be the mom you want to be—free from the grip of the past.

In my Idaho online therapy practice, I provide a compassionate, judgment-free space where we can work together to heal the emotional wounds affecting your life.

We will explore how your trauma impacts your relationship with food, your body, and your role as a mother.

As an EMDR therapist, I use EMDR to help process painful memories and emotional experiences so that they no longer have a hold on you.

EMDR therapy is an evidence-based approach that allows you to heal trauma at its core, helping you to reconnect with your body and emotions in a more balanced way.

Trauma Therapy for Moms

As a mom, I understand how challenging it is to care for ourselves while raising children.

We try so hard to fit in with diet culture’s standards that we might unintentionally project these standards onto our children. This can look like controlling the foods they eat or how they look or making comments about their appearance.

We might think these comments are harmless, but they impact our children's emotional health.

It's important to understand that these struggles are not your fault.

Trauma and diet culture have deeply influenced how we see ourselves and our bodies. The pressure to meet unrealistic standards can be overwhelming, and it's natural to worry about our children facing the same struggles.

But know that you are not to blame for trying to navigate these challenges. Mountain River Therapy can be the first step towards healing for yourself and your family.

A mom hugging her daughter sitting on a rock by a mountain after EMDR therapy
A mom outside with her children feeling calm and connected since she healed her trauma with EMDR therapy.

As a mom who has experienced many of these struggles, I deeply understand your challenges. Healing is possible with trauma therapy, and it starts with giving yourself the support and care you deserve. I’m here to walk alongside you on this journey, helping you create a better future for yourself and your family.

Breaking the Cycle for Future Generations

Healing with trauma therapy is not only about finding peace with your past but also about ensuring that your children grow up with a healthy relationship with food, their bodies, and their emotions. And with EMDR therapy, you break the cycle of emotional eating, low self-esteem, and body dissatisfaction and set an empowering example for your children.

I Help Moms:

  • Heal from the trauma affecting their emotional well-being, relationships, and sense of self.

  • Find healthier ways to cope with emotions without using food.

  • Develop a positive body image and self-esteem.

  • Create healthy, lasting habits that set a positive example for their children.

  • Break free from the influence of diet culture and live more authentically.

  • Learn to set and maintain healthy boundaries, reducing feelings of overwhelm and burnout.

  • Build healthier relationships by healing past emotional wounds and promoting deeper connections with their spouse and children.

  • Gain tools to manage stress and anxiety, making them feel calmer and more present in their role as a mom.

  • Work through feelings of perfectionism, people-pleasing, and guilt, helping them let go of unrealistic expectations.

  • Find balance, reconnect with their needs and desires, and make space for self-care.

A mother and her daughters looking out at the lake feeling peace after disordered eating therapy and body image therapy.

Trauma therapy for Moms isn’t my only service at my Idaho online therapy practice. Other mental health services at Mountain River Therapy include Emotional Eating Therapy, Disordered Eating & Body Image Therapy, and EMDR Therapy. Contact me to learn more about how I can help you overcome disordered eating and body image struggles and reclaim your life!

Mom and her son sitting on the beach meditating after EMDR therapy

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.

You don’t have to live with the guilt and shame of not feeling in control of your eating or your body.  Online therapy can help you heal from past trauma causing disordered eating and negative body image and help you find peace with food and your body.  Mountain River Therapy in Idaho specializes in helping women heal from disordered eating and body image issues. To start your counseling journey, follow these simple steps:

Step 1

Contact Mountain River Therapy

Step 2

Meet with Jarae for an intake session.

Step 3

Rediscover the joy of eating foods guilt-free and finally feeling confident in your body.